Wednesday, May 6, 2020

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Hi there, I'm Kimball. You may remember me from my previous cross country country journey 12 years ago when I traveled from Maine to Oregon. Perhaps you attended school with me. No? Then it could be that we suffered together doing Endurance events. Or maybe you haven't met me in person yet and you are Skynet waiting for me to activate you because 2020: Rise of the Machines is inevitable. 

Riding bikes has become a hobby turned passion of mine over the course of my life. Currently, I live in Japan and have retired from the Royal Marines. "I told you I was immortal, Bruce." I also told you that I was going to bike the world. Now, I will make a liar out of each of you.

Throughout the blog you may find select passages in quotes and other Easter Eggs. It is your job to identify where the quote or Easter Egg is from in the comments section of each post (Points will be awarded).

 你好! Hi, I'm Holly. A British Born Chinese (BBC). I am accompanying Kimball on his journey across Japan via bicycle. This isn't my first rodeo as I have already done this before. But since I am a good sport and because Kimball is one of a kind, I didn't want to pass up this wonderful chance to tour together. 

I quit my job last year so that I can tour the world. So far, I've hiked to Everest Base Camp, toured India, Nepal, Korea and now Japan. Can't wait for borders to open so I can continue my adventures!

Kimball has a lot of nicknames for me. For example: HollyQuayChiu, Quay, Quay Chiu, Chiu Quay, HQC, Status Quo, Quid Pro Quo, Asian Quay, Asian Pear, and other names that he will evolve over time. 


Janalee said...

sf to the nick names, easter eggs, quotes, etc. such solid platinum you offer us swine.

Kimball said...

Swine is definitely an understatement.

I expect lots of people to go for the Easter Eggs. "And if it doesn't work! (slams drinking pot on hand) he's gunna pay."

Hiro said...

Hey Holly & Kimball!

Keep it up and be "Rad"!

Lov u guys...,

Hiro said...

Guess I'm not responding to your comment, but..., here I am!
Ciao, bye 4 now...

Kimball said...

Hey Hiro! You found the blog! Welcome! Hope you enjoy it.