It's time for another posting. Since many of you have been with me after these 3 short months, there are some that are wondering if i'll shut down the stupid blog or continue posting. The answer: continue posting. I'll prolly lose half my crowd because the trip ended but that's when true colors shine (similar to when everyone's true colors shined at the company party in '05) and the first people to jump the ship are the rats and the women. Now it has been more than a week since I've laid the bike down to rest and it has been out of commision. Thoughts are going through my head, feelings, memories, dreams..... It's over. I wish it wasn't. I would like to "see myself in green fields with the sun of my face." But all good things must come to an end, no? I appreciated everyone's support, cheers, hoorays, tears, cries, for it is they who have fueled my fire in times of need. I don't appreciate the critism and dissappointments, but you know what they say, "lucky in love unlucky with fruit." Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and I've almost been killed, more than once. I remember when Lindsay came with me to do her leg, she made a simple observation that I had been on the road and camping for the past two months. And I thunked like a monk for a bit and realized that I have and I loved it, and it hadn't seemed like it at all. My really good, cool friend Jerry Mya Compton (no, not Jeremiah Davis Jeremy) had asked me if I got sick at all on the trip and I told him I hadn't, and it hit me that I haven't. What a blessing it's been. Especially after all the weather and cicumstances I have been in. No it's not coincidence it's a reason. Just a few thoughts I had. Now as you all know by now, I hate the name blog, I think it's dumb. I don't know how many people have looked at this web page, I didn't think it would grow to be so popular/famous. But I like it. Now people who know me don't get my jokes or sayings or johnny lingo, or phrases, or dinghies. It's hard to understand in person, and it's even harder to understand in writing without hearing my voice or seeing a physical expression. The only ones that would prolly understand the majority of them are Josh/Jeremy, or Sir Isaac Geekings, or Incubator. I know a lot of you are/were stumped while reading my stupid blog cuz "that doesn't make sense." There were prolly some of you who got offended too. I'm not apologizing for that for nothing, cuz you chose to get offended and it's not my fault you didn't want to take your own responsibilty. I have my agency and you have yours. I had a companion in the mission named Elder Poteats, he had fired Bob because he didn't get the job done. Well turns out later that Bob killed himself. I told my companion that it was his fault. He said no it wasn't. He said he didn't tell Bob to jump off a bridge, all he told him was that he doesn't have a job anymore. Bob did the rest. So let that be a lesson to the learners. If you didn't get offended, that's good. You chose wisely. You have my number and know where to reach me and we can get some cold drinks. This trip has been the second greatest thing to happen to me. The first being the Mission that I served for 2 years for the Lord, while living in the dense jungles of Paraguay. Had I not served that mission I would have not been able to accomplish this bicycle adventure. This dream. Period. I miss the Mission, I loved it. The best thing ever. I think about it everyday. If I could and if I had the permiso I would go back and serve another 2 years, right now and drop everything. It changed my life. This bicycle adventure was a mini-mission in and of itself. It was great, I loved it. It has helped me collect my thoughts. Now people want to know what I'm going to do now after having accomplished so great a task/dream. Yes I am going to continue riding a bicycle, if I didn't then I didn't learn nothing. How many of you after learning how to fly, just walk home? "Forget about it." I have other trips planned possibly bigger and better. 4 to be exact. One includes Australia, the other Europe, the other a circle around the US. and the other a line connecting Alaska to Argentina. These are other dreams. And what have we learned about dreams? 90% of the human race doesn't accomplish their dreams or make decisions. A Goal is nothing more than a dream with a due date. And like I said at the beginning, Ideas bring in nothing unless carried out. I like what Bear Grylls said after getting some honeycomb from a bee hive. "You risk nothing, you gain nothing." What have I risked? Life itself. What have I gained? Life itself. Makes you think huh? "Take your passion and make it happen." Master Chief 117 hasn't died yet and neither have I. I will be performing my first triatholon on the 1st of November. Later on the 22nd I have the El Tour de Tucson to compete. Another first. Then the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving. Then I have to beat the train at Durango Colorado next May. I willl have my vengeance on the Rockies and Nevada, whether in this life or the next. these are things that I enjoy this is what I do. I hope that what I have done and said has helped you in some way or another. I also hope that I haven't cast my pearls before the swine.