Monday, August 11, 2008


Let's start off with amoment of silence... well then, tonites the night I've, not to mention you've been waiting for. We loaded up our crap into boxes so that we can leave at the crack of Uncle Don. By the time you'll be reading this I'll be in an airplane on the way to fufilling another adventure. There's a famous quote that goes: ideas bring in nothing unless carried out. I like to think of it as an idea that me and my backstabbing friend Ben once had 2 year ago. But as you can tell he's not in the photo now is he? That story can be for another day. Well if no one else has anymore questions I'll just go along my way and updates will be available at my nearest local library as long as that beep sasquatch doesn't get to me first. "This is it don't get scared now."


min_wilson said...

Good Luck Kimball. I'll pray everystep of the way. And take care of the boys when they are with you. I'm not quite sure Josh knows exactly what he is in for. :) It's a cool thing you are doing. Take lots of pictures and enjoy the beautiful country

sarah lowe said...

hey kimball, this is your cousin, sarah, josh's sister. what the heck is that quote from? "this is it, don't get scared now". it sounds so familiar, but i can't think of it. it's going to drive me nuts. good luck on your trip!

Anonymous said...

it's from Home Alone.

J'smom said...

Hi Kimball, this is your cousin Katy in Tucson--- welcome back! Sorry we couldn't make it to your homecoming and good luck on your trip!