Sunday, August 31, 2008

This week went by all fast

let this be a warning to all the animales that get in front of the freight trains. this is a classic shot. poor little fish. This was the one time Josh was in front of me leading the pack and a deer jumped out in front of him and drilled it. we've seen lots of sleeping animales. they're always all close to the road though i dunno how the cars don't wake them up. the raccoons have been a common sight to see as well. "Coons!" "They keep gettin into our back porch, mama just chase 'em off with a broom." "no, not racoons ya idiot....."

This is a big ol' wooden horse that the Trojans used against the Spartans. I think they remixed it up a bit. Amish style, you know to keep you on your toes.
This guy is all cool, we slept in his back yard and he cooked us dinner. it was raining all dang day and we were able to scrub ourselves with soap at his house. his name is Lee, he's all funny and he's mad at his kids school cuz they only allow 2 bathroom breaks the whole nine week. so he said he's gunna kick someones trash cuz that's not right.

This was the first house that let us stay in their yard. We applied what cool Pierre taught us and we started knocking on doors asking if we could sleep in their yards. I felt like I was back in the mission again. People still lie to us and give horrible excuses and don't give references but at the end we found a humble man that let us in his property. It was all neat and we saved some gold a la vez.

We're in Ohio now. we've seen more Amish and it's neat. We told the ground to take this picture and it did it for us.

I like these classic signs. Words to live by.

too bad I don't have a safety belt, but I'm still riding a million miles. Wow I changed my shirt for once, I hope Loverly notices. So now Josh will be flying home tomarrow this was a good week we did about 350 miles we think, i can't do the trivia question anymore cuz i don't even know, the dang Speed-o-meter keeps jumping. He's getting a little jumpy lately. Now we're just cleaning all the gear and bikes and planning for the next route with Jeremy D cuz I'm a jack a word and planned kinda bad. Now this next week we'll have to do lots of miles to do with not a lot of time. But it should still be neat and all fun. I'm glad i'm not in college but this is prolly harder than it. kinda like the mission too.


Anonymous said...

ouch!!!!!!!! im still alive just wounded you jack a-words you cant kill me doing 15 miles an hour on a crappy kip bike.

Anonymous said...

I'm very disappointed to know that even though it's a holiday weekend, no one gave heed to my stupid blog. It's not like I stopped riding my bike for the holidays. Nope, this is my job. So now I know that everyone wastes company time by checking the blog while being at work and not at home. That's not the way to win company of the year.

min_wilson said...

Aw Kimablly, i sowwy. I read it all the time, just dont always post something. i'm not that funny if you couldnt tell. Anyways i even posted blogs and bullitens on my myspace so people can check this cool ride out.

Anonymous said...

If you find another one of these they're good eat'n through the midwest. Call the local law enforcement for a roadkill liscence and it's all yours. You just gotta get another knife to get the parts you want and fend off coyotes.