My friend Jerry Mya and I decided to do a nice 30-35 mile bike ride for my training on Monday, he just wanted to tag along and hoped he didn't die. He hadn't riden a bike in ages and de repente wanted to do it with me, "so i said sure."(whoever can guess which movie that quote comes from and who said it wins! Yeah!) Fortunatly he had a flat within the first mile and he just cruised next to me in his rich 2008 Mitsubishi Eclipse while I biked the whole dang thing up towards Roosevelt. So that was fun. today i did more training in the which i did 40 miles and I was pretty dead after words and got all burned, but I was listening and being motivated by my devil music and i noticed a substanial increase in energy when I listen to it. And it helps a lot. So Myth Busters wins again and proves that devil music "still can serve a purpose."(guess that one and also win!). Now I'm just sitting there waiting for Monday to come when I can begin my adventure. Rated R.
The first quote can be from any movie.
The second quote is by Lloyd Christmas and is from dumb and dumber.
When I first saw the picture I thought, "I wonder who that heavy set, older man is with Kimball?"
I think it would be incredibally awkward to have a car following slowly behind me for 2-3 hours, how did you handle it? "I liked it"
Jana, you are talking to Kimball, the one who used to invite his friends over specifically so that they could "watch him player the computer" for hours.
There was a study done that took two groups of weightlifters. The first group lifted while listening to classical music. The second group lifted while listening to heavy metal music. Guess which group was able to lift heavier weights?
The mind is very powerful. Music affects our minds. I believe that good is stronger than evil, hence good music would make your mind/body stronger. Keep that in mind when you come to a big hill that you don't know if you can get over. You may want to search your ipod for a song by Beethoven, Bach, Celine Dion (kidding), or something equally inspiring.
(By the way, the group that lifted the heavier weights was the classical music group.)
as in the famous words of Jeremy Dalmacio: "Doubt it" ding ding ding! crusts got the second one right but not the first quote. keep trying.
the first quote said by biff tannen in back to the future 2
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