wait one last photograph i wanted to get it. here we are here in the town of Beep-hole Mass., the reason why is cuz if you say the name you'd be cussing so yep don't say it.
Dang it I forgot to rotate that photograph eh oh well you can just turn your neck. I'm in front of another Castle/Church with a neat ol' steeple. FYI thats right across the street of the previous one. It's strange to note though that senior citizens still can serve a purpose but that as we've been traveling we haven't seen a single LDS Church. Out of all the towns we've been in there's a million others too. Now why would that be?? I guess I can't all be like Queen Creek and have an LDS Chapel on every corner.
This is a neat ol' Castle/Church. One of the many sights to see in New England, church after church. and they're all old.
This is at a neat draw-bridge by the Haptons. The Hamponites weren't too happy with this one
ive done something here to have you a few cents!
you quoted Dumb and dumber. BAM!!
dont steal my material lincoln
Why? You probably just stole it from me.
Is toilet water drinkable?
thats the trivia question you need to answer it
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