The Atlantic Coast with our back tire in the water, as well as the rest of the bike. There was also a giant urtle gurtle turtle
made out of sand.
"Yep, that's your big boy."( no one can guess where that came from, and Josh isn't allowed to answer this one.)
I'm cool in this photo and I took the signs advice. I realized that I'll be traveling for 3500 miles and I won't have to stop at a single dang gas station, well maybe to get a SODA! or a ched bull when I'm with Jeremy in that case it will be every hour.

"Yep, that's your big boy."( no one can guess where that came from, and Josh isn't allowed to answer this one.)
FYI that says share the road. I noticed that the citizens of the New England area treat their bikers all good-even to erecting a war statue to them. well then I'm sure the readers are panicking wanting to know what I wrote in my stupid blog. We assembled our bicycles at the airport and the clown song immediatly began to play. But we manged to find Brent's house (He's the guy we lept at the first night) So we lept on his porch and got off the next morning in the rain and it was all good. Eating wild apples off the side of the road can be a real treat. LAst night we didn't make it to our desired destination. we rode 70 miles and we had a few underestimates and other factors. We've been riding along the coastline and It' been all neat, the smell of salt water, the 60 degree weather and breeze. the lush green rolling hills, the clams and lobtser. I've already gone thru half the budget because of eating delicious treats. Today we've been riding and we went to the Hamptons we tried looking for George Costanza's house but failed miserable. We did see some of the neatest most richest house but I didn't get any pictures so your loss! Waylie and I are trying to keep the ride interestante more than it already is and something to help keep us on our toes. It's a little bet we're doing -whoever wrecks has to buy the other person dinner. So today I was drafting behing him cuz we had a mean headwind and he just missed a construction cone and I was right behind him and didn't react fast enough and I drilled it. Now I figured I could have just plowed right thru it cuz they're not that dang big, but "nope, no good" I hit it and it just thudded and I tipped over. and Taylor laughed at me the whole time. well tonite our goal is to get to Salem, MASS. we have about 15 miles, we're gunna go hunt a few witches and play the wigi board game or whatever the beep it is that summons devils, you know keep things interestante, see if it accually works and it should be neat. So that's it. any questions or concerns I have my quides phone with me so just call but remember I'm 3 hours ahead right now so factor that in. all I know is that this is one of the best investments I've ever done. I'll write more later. say bye! ok bye.
simply great!
the pictures are great! I hope everything goes smoothly. If you run out of money let me know, I'll send you some from the bank.
Cool! So are you sore, Kimball? Looks like you will be all out of money by the time I do the ride with you on the west coast. Good thing I am RICH!
Nice Helmet
the lighthouse picture, I was like What is DAd doing there?
Hi Dad!! How's was the ocean Dad?
Why are you all loaded down and Taylor's all light?
Plus, the company is falling apart without Taylor or Jeremy here. we collectively probably only do "about 15 minutes of real actual work."
keep your camera lens wiped clean, some pics have a slight film on them.
Talmage, what are you doing reading that blog. You're suppose to be working!
Go Kimball!! Have fun!
Oh my, i love the lighthouse picture! that is pure beauty. Be safe, and watch were your going... dang cones
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