This Raccon had a hard day and decided to take a rest.
Now I don't know who keeps killing the deer and laying them on the side of the road, we haven't seen anyone do it yet. If you look closely you can see it breathing.
Clauds will get excited for this one. We traversed along and we saw about 4-5 camels and 1 dorky llama. It was neat. for a mintue I thought I was in Africa, as the famous song goes" Beep blessed the rains down in Africa!" that was mine and Josh's theme song that week he was with me.
If you look closely you can see that the house is built into the hill. We knocked on the door and Bilbo Baggins came out. He was resting from his latest vacation and said mine tops all the ones that he did. We had a good chuckle and talked about old times.
Did anyone come out of that house and tell you, You shall not pass?
Who's taller Kimball or Bilbo Baggins???
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