Friday, October 10, 2008

I'm all alone now.

This looks like the US capitol.....maybe it is.

Well what do you know Jones' Goons are back. Maybe it's Hollerbacks Goons or Hackerthorns. Whoever they are they make work twice as hard for HES.

This was that good ol' dinner that i had 3 plates of. It consisted of Roast Beast, taters with gravy, peas and corn, rolls, and a pitcher of milk.

This is the cool Wright family that cooked the most delicious meal for me(see picture above). They treated me like royalty and it was pretty dang nice. Wright is an old friend from the mission and he invited me to stay for a night. I watched the new 007 movie and I'm still confused by it.

"Buffalo soldier in the heart of America." Kinda gets you ready for the elections this year. FYI I'm already registered to vote.

Here's a classic view of the scenery. I bet I could throw a football over them mountains.


Anonymous said...

what's it like riding alone: peaceful, nervewracking, scary, fun, none, all.

Anonymous said...

Oh good. I was going to ask you if you got registered to vote. I'm wondering if the beautiful scenery makes it easier to ride alone? (as opposed to boring, brown Wyoming?)

Kara Dalmacio said...

"I bet I could throw a football over them mountains." -Quote from Napolean Dynamite. Right?!

Kara Dalmacio said...

Oh, and when you pass other surveyors, you are suppose to chant "H.E.S., H.E.S., H.E.S." That's what Jeremy tells me I have to do anyway. And, of course, I do! =)

min_wilson said...

Wow, people really seem to love you, the crazier your hair gets; the nicer the houses you get invited to. jk. Estas bien solo? Yo queria er con tigo, pero estoy gorda y no puedo er mas que 2 milos en bicicleta. Perdon... echame un texto quando puedes. yo quero saber como estas amigo. - siempre coca-cola- MiN

Kimball said...

What's it like riding alone?
Well I feel alone, but I like it cuz I can make a decision and no one can shout at me for it except myself. And I have no one to chuckle with so that beeps, so I usually just run episodes of the Office or Seinfeld in my head and I get a good laugh. and Yep Kara got the quote right. Josh and I always honked at the surveyors when we passed them.