Lindsay's all surprised that they have phone booths still. It doesn't work without quarters though.
After we crossed the biggest 5 mile mountain Lindsay was excited for the rewarding 2 mile downhill. How does a hill go up 5 miles and down 2? I guess they can't all be like C Mountain in Coolidge which has a section corner on the very top.
This is Lindsay's idea of a joke. She thinks I love candy and sugar that much that I'd get a picture in front of the building that makes it.
It was cold in the night time and we failed our goal so we called it a day at a rest stop and cooked our din dins and breafast in the toilet.
It was foggy this morning when we woke up and here in Oregon the fog makes a rainbow. Use your bright eyes near my huge right shoulder and you can see the end with the white leprechan.
We had a day where we were passing through about 4 towns prolly. It showed something on the dang map but when we got there we didn't see jack rabbits crap (like shown in the foto.), except closed down gas stations and/or 1 or 2 houses and 2 cats that were trying to eat our smoked salmon, I hit them with boards to make them go away. we shouted out spanish swear words after the "towns"and continued down the road. east Oregon was nothing that I thought it would be. a deserted desert, but now west Oregon is pretty neat with the trees and the green and mountains. FYI I'll prolly do one more post for the end of the trip then I'll do my final speech at the end for all to indulge and share my thoughts and feelings of it all. Then we'll do the road trip home complete with interviews by Jay Leno. So get your comments/ questions in quick while supplies last for the grand final.
Hi Kids! Congrats, you made it through the barren wastelands of eastern Oregon. I love the pictures, especially the one with the old, expired carrots and old, expired license plate bungeed to your sleeping bag. Waste not, want not, that's what I taught you right? Enjoy the greenery of the next three days.
You are such a dork...
OHHHHHH!!! Stuck 'em bombibom stuck 'em bom bom stuck 'em bombibom stuck 'em.....
Mindy's right you are a DORK!!!! Good one Mindy.
Kimball, I'm kind of dissapointed that you picked a song with curse words in it. "Happy Beep Christmas" Shirley you could have found something else.
Kimball, I'm kind of dissapointed that you picked a song with curse words in it. "Happy Beep Christmas" Shirley you could have found something else.
That song doesn't cuss. cuz i don't watch rated R movies
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