Monday, November 30, 2020

Onto Kyushu

     We've been blessed with a variety of entertainment this year such as fun natural disasters, that Tiger King Show you guys loved, riots in the streets, etc. Now here I am giving you all three months of wholesome, quality content with a bicycle view of exploring another country. Say thank you! 

You also owe me a lot of money, too.

    We're wrapping up things for the island of Honshu. If you remember your Geography lesson I gave you years back, Honshu is the main island of Japan. Kyushu is the large one of it that we're aiming for next. For some odd reason the last month has felt like a day. And I don't like that. 

HollyQuayChiu's sister sent her some goodies from England. They're all good. See that Penguin on top? I'll show you how to eat that later. 

But nothing beats eating mickans. My favorite.

Which reminds me, we need to find another tree. Our stash is out. 

I don't know why I didn't post this before, but Holly's friends met up with us. We had a nice little lunch with them in Nagoya. They work on a persimmon farm by Nara. It's all neat. 

I don't have as many flats as the last trip. I think some of HQC's Beginner's Luck is still with us. Her first biking trip in Japan she only experienced one flat. I was outraged.  

Who wants to guess what I'm doing her. Let's her your responses. 

Nice view. 

Here's a fun shrine. 

They take good care of their temple grounds.

The gods watching over us. 

Old Cemetery Gates.

Here is the inside of the temple.
The difference in used vs new brake pads. 

Night riding. It's darker than this. 

The Quay is harvesting some mikans for us. This lone tree was loaded with them.

Almost time for the Second Coming. 

This bridge connects Honshu with Kyushu But they don't allow cyclists on there.

Nice hostel overlooking the fast flowing strait.

I visited this temple last year on one of the base's ITT trips. It's pretty coolo.

I think Big Bird has a quote about riding in the morning or something. How does it go again?

Here's the little pedestrian tunnel that goes under water as we cross over into Kyushu.

Rated R.

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