Friday, November 13, 2020

TKO for Tokyo - Round 4

    Oh, you thought this fight only had three rounds? Thought TKO was finished, eh? Little did you know there's a bonus round where he comes back to haunt you. 

See, that's how I treat my guests. And what do you do? Leave me zero comments and I hate you forever for it. 

Oh, and today is Evil, Friday the 13th. 

Sometimes the Asian Quay is so very well-behaved. 

I ran in to the mall to this KitKat shop to find unique flavors. 

As if Trademaster himself was making a deal with me. I lost part of my soul purchasing these.

Remember on Dumb and Dumber when Lloyd said, "You know it's true what they say, Senior citizens, although slow and dangerous behind the wheel, still can serve a purpose." I would add bicycles. But with that, it's impressive because you wouldn't see anyone 60 year old in the States besides my Dad on a bike. Props to the Japanese Old Bags that can still ride with the best of them. 

Remember, I only post a fraction of the manholes I find. 

That church looks all neat. 

Time for Ramen!

The Ramen Museum is here. 

You can learn all about it. 

These are the different kinds. 

One of my favorite parts was the map of Ramen of the different kinds throughout Japan. The interactive screen was helpful. 

The other favorite part was the Ramen village you can walk through. Felt like you were transported back 100 years.

We're exploring it. 

The bottom floor had like 8 or 10 different shops of Ramen for purchase. 

But note, portions are small and prices are huge. 

I would say skip it if you are going to the Cup o' Noodles Museum. 

That building looks like an Iron. 

Yeah if you come here get the Ramen. Much cheaper. 

There it is. 

Read the last bit, Jeremy. 

Decorating my own Cup o' Noodles before I fill it with what I want. 

You get your Ramen here.

HQC is trying to decide what she wants. 

You're allowed a variety of choices. 

And you pack it in these huge bubble pillows so it doesn't get damaged. 

The secret ingredient I added in mine made me grow a couple feet. I have so many people to beat up when I get back to the States. Just you wait. 

Looks like a Japanese version of GBH.

I didn't realize I was breathing in all that Tokyo smog for a week.

Beep. I assure it it's not always that way. 

Thursday, November 12, 2020

TKO for Tokyo - Round 3

    You guys don't even know the origin of the titles for the last three posts, do you? Mike Tyson's Punchout. Duh. TKO is an abbreviation for Tokyo. 

Having a few more days left in TKO we made the most of it instead of wasting it away.

That white building reminded me of Jenga. Wouldn't that be something playing building sized Jenga?
Architecture. I'm telling you. And to think that cousin Chris sold his architecture talent for a mess of pottage. 

The Quay took us to a pizza buffet. Really good. I ate too much. We bagged some for later. 

This was so comfy. If I come back to the store and Holly tells me to get I think I might.

Look you can see the boy's Weiner. 

Neat little WW2 Museum. 

The Canyons.

Damage from the Americans. I tried to insert the American Flag emoji but apparently it's a Hate Crime to do so. 

You can see damage from this one, too.

gun mounted on their planes.

I've never watched this show but I'm sure I have at least one fan out there that has. This one's for you.

Nice bike paths. That's what I'm talking about. I still hate when the drivers park in the lane, though. Even if it is allowed.

There's the Tokyo Skytree that we're going to visit later tonight.

I wonder if the Buddha threw out the moneychangers and people selling stuff in the Temple like Jesus did.

You already know what I'm going to say. 

See the huge Japanese lantern in the middle? I want those decorating my home. Any chump can have a regular light fixture.

I liked the water coming out of the dragons' mouths.

Lots of hotties walking around here. Tokyo Japan is full of them.

You have no idea what living here the past year has done to my Yellow Fever. 

Japan has fun translations like this one. Half of them don't make sense. But you smile and nod anyways. 

New Kitkat flavors to try!

We went to this wonderful little restaurant. I don't know the name of it nor do I know the name of this first dish. But it was good. Let's see how it's made. 

Fire up the grill and put stuff on it. 

The hot waitress cooks it all in front of you. 

You just look at it while she cooks.

It's starting to cook.

Only half with seaweed. 

You eat it with these little plates and small scrapers. 

Next is Okonomiyaki. But this is Tokyo's version of it. Which is different from Osaka and Hiroshima (the best one).

After she mixed it all up she puts it on the grill.

Then she puts it together.

And let it sit there for 20 minutes to slowly cook.

Then you flip it.

Dress it up with mayo and the special okonomiyaki sauce. 

I got Holly hooked on the dinosaur game. Which proved to be a bad thing because she beat my high score of 4100. What's your highest score? Oh, sorry I forgot you're just going to scroll on without commenting. And I hate that. 

More delicious KitKat flavors. Can't get tired of them.

This is on top of the Skytower. 

I would choose this theme song to play while in the tower and looking out. Do you guys like this song?

It's Ccccccccccccccccchristmist. Mark Kieren's favorite holiday. 

My friend Naomi told me after the fact, that it's fun to jump on this and everyone gets scared that it's going to break. 

This box of Dark Thunder was only 1 Gold Coin. This is my favorite version.

We found a replica of our folding bikes! While not the exact model they are by the same maker, Montague. They're very detailed, too. Just like the model car of Uncle Paul that Uncle Craig used to admire while he wasn't at home.