We camped out behind a church and a lot of kids came to visit. Scott was enjoying the treats we gave him. And I love eating Mountain House. Right here(above) is a classic photo of my speed-o-metre. Jeremy's first real day of acual riding we shattered all records like Micheal Phelps/Scott, and rode 100 miles in less than 7 hours. Jeremy's head is all big now.
This was a neat shot in the morning in Ohio. The fog created a nice ambiant. The roads are very straight and flat and in that we can cruise with an average speed of 15 mph.
Hey comes jeremy all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed ready for a week of beep of 500+ miles in 5 days.
Josh's last day on the trip, he had tears in his eyes as he exited the airport onto the airplane. He said this was prolly his favorite vacation and he's excited to do it again.
Josh and I had bike prollems with the kip bikes late saturday night. I hate these bikes. A couple of broken spokes and a broken chain we had to repair. we were medio successful. Josh also made a prophecy that one or both of these kip bikes won't live to see the Pacific Ocean. I'll cross my fingers.
Aw, Josh did have a good time. Thanks Kimball. why in the world does Josh have his shirt on inside out and backwards in the fixing picture?
Just like the handcart repairs of yesteryear... Maybe the pioneers won't spray you with lightening bolts after all. And maybe you'll be riding your bikes, thinking you'll never make it because all the springs are falling out onto the highway and you'll look behind you and lo, angels are pushing you.
Jeremy doesn't really look all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, he looks a little confused or that he's thinking, "What have I gotten myself into???" J/K - I know he's having a great time! Thanks for keeping up with the blogging; I've enjoyed reading about your adventure. Maybe I'll join you for a week - oh wait, I wouldn't be able to stand the farts! =)
That's right. The farts. Once again, I re-think my week.
that'll be enough of that.
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