Oh, you thought this fight only had three rounds? Thought TKO was finished, eh? Little did you know there's a bonus round where he comes back to haunt you.
See, that's how I treat my guests. And what do you do? Leave me zero comments and I hate you forever for it.
Oh, and today is Evil, Friday the 13th.
Sometimes the Asian Quay is so very well-behaved. |
I ran in to the mall to this KitKat shop to find unique flavors.
As if Trademaster himself was making a deal with me. I lost part of my soul purchasing these.
Remember on Dumb and Dumber when Lloyd said, "You know it's true what they say, Senior citizens, although slow and dangerous behind the wheel, still can serve a purpose." I would add bicycles. But with that, it's impressive because you wouldn't see anyone 60 year old in the States besides my Dad on a bike. Props to the Japanese Old Bags that can still ride with the best of them.
Remember, I only post a fraction of the manholes I find.
That church looks all neat.
Time for Ramen!
The Ramen Museum is here.
You can learn all about it.
These are the different kinds.
One of my favorite parts was the map of Ramen of the different kinds throughout Japan. The interactive screen was helpful.
The other favorite part was the Ramen village you can walk through. Felt like you were transported back 100 years.
We're exploring it.
The bottom floor had like 8 or 10 different shops of Ramen for purchase.
But note, portions are small and prices are huge.
I would say skip it if you are going to the Cup o' Noodles Museum.
That building looks like an Iron.
Yeah if you come here get the Ramen. Much cheaper.
There it is.
Read the last bit, Jeremy.
Decorating my own Cup o' Noodles before I fill it with what I want.
You get your Ramen here.
HQC is trying to decide what she wants.
You're allowed a variety of choices.
And you pack it in these huge bubble pillows so it doesn't get damaged.
The secret ingredient I added in mine made me grow a couple feet. I have so many people to beat up when I get back to the States. Just you wait.
Looks like a Japanese version of GBH.
I didn't realize I was breathing in all that Tokyo smog for a week.
Beep. I assure it it's not always that way.
I can't wait for you bring kit kats back for everyone.
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