Friday, January 5, 2024

Day #7 - Donghe to Daren

Despite the spoke issues we've been having since nearly the beginning of our trip, it hasn't slowed us down too much. I don't know how many spokes need to break before a wheel is rendered utterly usless but Meatsticks had four broken ones today and was able to ride fine. I still had my ever loose ones making my wheel quite wobbly. We did manage to find a decent bike shop to do our repairs. While we waited, we got Domino's pizza and mailed some unecesarry gear back to Taipei (it's not as cold as we thought it would be and we didn't need our stove at all).

Also, this road we were on was recently paved so it was litrilly smooth sailing. The sun finally peaked out behind the clouds today. I've been loving our cloudy weather we've been having.

Today we biked 100.05 km (62.06 miles). I thought of this while riding - add the day's route at the start of each post so you guys will have some reference while reading. I'm going to have to go back and retroactively do this to my previous posts to satisfy my OCD. Don't be alarmed if you notice a few changes.

We camped near the beach and had a fun sunrise and watched eager surfers catching some waves.

This type of black dog is a common breed that we find here in Taiwan. And many of them also have three legs or are missing a paw.

Sometimes the landscapes are too good so I take out my camera while I ride to get a pic. Then I keep riding and see an even better shot that I should have taken. The moral of the story is that I'll never stop having regrets in life. 

I like trying each country's Domino's to see how differently they do them. This one was decent.

Custard apple is a common crop grown on this part of the island right now. They are really good, too. 

Reminds me a bit of rural Japan.

As does this. Love the cultures here.

The mountains are so steep and looming like they're stacked on top of each other fighting for the best view.

Throughout the day we take brief stops to feed the bean and feed our stomachs with carbohydrates at convenience stores such as this Family Mart.

Whenever we find a decent surface for the bean to crawl on without getting absolutely filthy we let her.

As we pull into town for the evening we go to a small restaurant to sample their finest dishes.

I found this collapsible tub at Daiso and thought it'd be perfect for bathing the bean during the trip.

We got hot water from the 7-Eleven and bathed her here on the steps with no shame.

Look she loves it!


Anonymous said...

Lily Rose is getting longer hair and developing more motor skills on this trip. She looks like she had a fun bath right out in public.

Kimball said...

Yeah, this biking trip is making her grow at twice the normal rate!

Janalee said...

lilyrose deserves every clean surface to crawl on as well as a superior hot water bath at every convenience store. She will loves these pics when she's old