Friday, October 24, 2008

"Foreclosure of a Dream"

I love west Oregon. I also love Maine. The first and the last states were prolly the neatest scenery ever.

We made our delicious dinner in a laundromat this night. It was all good.

We're just walking all cool down highway 242. This highway was all fun to ride down. 20 miles of downhill descending more than 4000 feet. At the summit are lava rocks as seen in photo below.

I was on top of a lava castle and shot this picture. A long time ago Dante's Peak was here but it erupted.

Here we are at a rich ol' hot springs resort in the middle of nowhere and they had a secret garden. It was so neat, I could hardly eat strawberries. It was like Beep of the Rings.

"I beat it." We made it to the west coast. Dang it it's over. Now I'm all sad that the trip ended. The bike got all dirty from the sand and the chain and gears are a Rusty Johnson now. When I took this picture the camera was on top of Mitch's cool helmet and "the tide rushes in," and almost knocks it over and getting my camera ruined but good thing that I'm fast and picked up the camera like a fumble in the football game. The same fumble that Spencer recovered in '95 and scored a touchdown that beat Coolidge for the Conference Title. Josh's prophecy is now fulfilled when he said back in Ohio, that one of the Kip Bikes wouldn't live to see the West Coast. Poor Kip Bike, may he "Rust in Peace." But mine did and that's all that matters. Now as you read this post and look at the last picture, just sit back and listen to the song that's playing and note that R Kelly is talking about me. "I'm that star up in the sky, I'm that mountain peak up high, hey I made it. I'm the World's Greatest." You might need to grab a tissue cuz the room will all of a sudden get all dusty and your eyes will start to water for no particular reason.


Janalee said...

Well let me be the first to say:

"I knew you could do it!"


"Way to go!"


"So now what are you going to do with your life?"

stuff like that.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Kimball you're my hero! Awesome. Good job Lindsay! And Janalee, you beat me by 1 minute.

Anonymous said...

P.S. - Could you bring me some carrots or did you throw some to the sharks?

Anonymous said...

Kimball,thank you for sharing your awesome experience with us. What an accomplishment. We are proud of you.

Anonymous said...

I'll be waiting for you when you get back and I'm gonna kick your "beep"!

Anonymous said...

What a journey! I can't even imagine contemplating an adventure like that and YOU did and finished with hands held high! My goodness, you are awesome! Congratulations to you and to all those who took part in the wonderful adventure with you. It was sure fun to catch you in Chicago and SLC!

Anonymous said...

strong megadeth references

Anonymous said...


Cassie Forsgren said...

Hey Kimball its cousin cassie, Way to go! That is so amazing!

Amy John said...

Whoa, I can't believe you have already finished! Aren't you so bummed its over?? It was so fun reading about your trip. Now what am I gonna read about?? Congrats on finishing! Seriously, that is sooo awesome.

Julie said...

So did you cry when you made it? I would have. Just because I cry for any ol' reason...I think I have issues. What a great accomplishment!!

Beth said...

Hooray! I am impressed. Are you going to do a Forest Gump and just ride home?

Anonymous said...

I agree with Amy! Now what am I to look forward to? It's been a great experience for us to read your blog and see the pictures and almost feel like we were on the trip too! haha! right....
Congratulations Kimball and to all those that rode with him. I admire you all.

Anonymous said...

Even though I already told you this on the phone when you called me FIRST on Wednesday night to say that you had finished the ride, let me get it on the blog - I'm so proud of you son!! You are a determined, strong, ambitious, and adventurous young man. Now go and do - whatever your heart tells you to do.

Anonymous said...

If you can milk the poison out of a lion fish you can put it on a broken spoke and use the blow spoke to have a nice shark dinner.
I'm not trying to be cute I'm just a survivalist stuck in the rat race and I want you to eat well.

paula said...

Stupendous! (okay I was looking for a word noone had used) I don't know you, you don't know me, but I'm so impressed. What a wonderful lasting memory. It always feels great to accomplish something that is a dream and a challenge.

Anonymous said...

now what are you gonna do? you have to do something. what is it? what are you gonna do? we all wanna know what you wanna do. something needs to be done and you have to do it. what is it gonna be? we wanna know. we're all waiting.(don't you just hate when people ask you this?)

Anonymous said...

Show us your boobs!

Kimball said...

Yeah I'm all bummed it's over, but I didn't cry.
and Wild Bill Cody, "I don't understand a word you just said." and to everyone else that wants to know what i'm gunna do, i'll tell you later.