Thursday, July 14, 2022

Day 14: Sæberg to Borgarnes

Miles: 64

Slow day today. It dragged on. The headwind was mild but it's enough to rob us of a few extra hours. That's the tricky part about cycling, the weather affects you more than if you were hiking. But I still choose cycling as the superior form to travel - unless it's by plane of course, then it's tied. 

Today's route was simple; head south following Highway 1. I've been submersing myself in audiobooks during this trip (but that's not anything new as I'm always queuing up an audiobook). And I made it a goal to finish 18 audiobooks for the nearly 18 days we're out here. I think it will have been more days actually but 18 books sounds cooler. So it's just me and Holly and our books as we plug away. Oftentimes we'll listen to the same ones then discuss them after we finish. One of life's Treasured Moments.

Holly and I love geese and swans. Poldark taught us that swans mate for life. And I love seeing these birds out here doing a better job at parenting than most humans. You can just feel their fierce loyalty they have towards each other and their ducklings. Look at their little squad. You can't beat that.

I've been seeing a few of these decorations around. They look fun. 

We stayed a sub-par campsite. This was their kitchen wares they offered. We've been spoiled with our indoor seating and plethora of utensils and cookware to use. Sometimes even food left behind by a former traveler that is usually still edible and eatable.

Holly is the most wonderful traveling companion that pulls her weight and then some.


Mom said...

Holly is quite remarkable, agreed. That kitchen looked quite sub par but not compared to a third-world standard. I hope you enjoyed your running water!

Anonymous said...

Lol we love those swans, everytime you passed then you would point at them to show me